Fraser Valley Radon - Testimonials

“I’ve been seeing news articles about radon like crazy the last while, and I started to get concerned about it. I found out about a neighbour just around the corner from us that passed away from lung cancer a few years ago, who hadn’t smoked a day in his life and that’s when it became real to me that I had to check this out. I got a radon test from the library. It took forever because I was on a huge waiting list, but I patiently waited. Eventually I got my test and was horrified when I saw that the levels in one part of our house were well over 400! Even two stories above in our upstairs if was well over 200!

I started to do some research and really couldn’t find anyone that could do radon mitigation, and realized that this was something I would have to do myself. So, I started to do the research. When I found out that Lance Nickel had started up Fraser Valley Radon I was immediately in. I’ve known the Nickel’s for over 20 years and he’s one of the most solid humans that I know. It was a no brainer.

Now that my mitigation system is in it’s a massive load off my back…and my family’s as well! Having been around the day that Lance installed everything…I can’t believe that I was actually considering doing it myself! I mean…after figuring out what fan to buy and where to buy it from, probably 20 trips back and forth to Home Depot, and a month of walking back mistakes and changing the plan dozens and times on the fly, I likely could have gotten an extremely janky and less effective version of it hacked in. However, the training and experience that Lance has is shockingly good, and he managed to put it way out of the way so that there’s no livable area in our basement that we hear the fan at all. The whole system is beautifully done…a real work of art. I’m super thankful to him for the incredible job he did and the highest level of professionalism reflected in his work. Now I can just put this potential radon nightmare behind me and never have to think about it again!!!”

- Colin Moreh, Chilliwack

“Lance demonstrated utmost professionalism by methodically placing his radon testers throughout our house and providing clear explanations of the process. Upon completion of the test after a few days, Lance proved to be honest, dependable, and trustworthy. He reassured us that the radon levels were within safe limits without resorting to upselling or creating unnecessary fears. We are grateful for his professionalism and integrity, which have given us peace of mind!”

- A. & N. Romeyn

“Radon gas was brought to the forefront in Chilliwack due to an article in the Progress. I purchased some detectors and found radon levels over the limit in some parts of our house. The biggest problem I had was to find a company that knew anything about it.  I contacted a gentleman in the Prince George area that came down to Chilliwack to install mitigation systems in the summer. The present owner of Fraser Valley Radon Services worked for this gentleman to learn the craft and started this company to service the Fraser Valley.  I contacted Lance we met went over my results and a location was selected. The procedure took only one day with Lance and his crew. They did a fantastic job with very little dust or noise and the system he installed was neat and out of the way. He followed up a few days later with a visit to see how levels had lowered.  He did a retest to make sure system is doing its job, I have continued monitoring the house and happy with the results.  Lance is very friendly and a pleasure to deal with.”

 - Rick Boyle: Chilliwack